When children start going missing at a Harvey Dent campaign event, Batman’s sleuthing into the underbelly of a local carnival hosting it uncovers something far more sinister.
Stewie and Brian become overwhelmed after winning a coffee shop. Peter and his friends annoy Meg at her new lifeguard job when they don’t follow the pool rules.
Nora embraces her new life in New Mexico, but a distressing letter from home makes her reevaluate the future, and Grandma deals with loneliness during coronavirus lockdowns.
When the Riders discover that Magma Breather is very sick, the only way they can help is to sneak the huge and heavy dragon into the ICARIS infirmary without being…
Never trust a washed-up Supe — the Boys learn this lesson the hard way. Meanwhile, Homelander digs into his past, Starlight discovers that love hurts, and if you’re ever in…
SUPER IN AMERICA (2019). Vought Studios. Genre: Reality. Starring: Homelander, Queen Maeve, Black Noir, The Deep, A-Train, Starlight, Tara Reid, Billy Zane.
Struggling to juggle work and being a mother, Mrs. Adler accepts help from Ms. Cannon, which she quickly regrets. Ms. Snap leads a group of Wilderness Gals through the urban…
Ghost movies have been with us since the dawn of cinema. Some ghosts are benevolent, some ghosts are malicious, but they all represent the mystery of what happens to us…
When the former suicidal founder of the New Dating Stalkr finally begins to attract users, he hires Swedish Dicks to find the assassin he hired to kill himself.
Josh Futturman feels stuck in his dead-end job as a janitor so all he really does is play Biotic Wars, an unbeatable videogame the rest of the world has given…
Tiger and Wolf decide it’s time for Dr. Kronish to die. Josh reluctantly agrees to help—but when he realizes he can’t go through with it, he finds himself caught in…
In the wake of the disastrous attempt to assassinate Dr. Kronish, Tiger and Wolf kick Josh off the mission. When they realize their Time Travel Device is compromised, Josh makes…
Tiger, Wolf, and Josh work to unmask the Biotics undercover at the Kronish Labs Christmas party. Meanwhile, Josh grows closer to his coworker Jeri as she helps him avoid the…
The end of the mission is in sight as Tiger and Wolf prepare for one final jump into the past. But when Josh’s mom is kidnapped, Josh refuses to let…
Josh discovers that his interference in the past has completely transformed his life…for the better. Wolf and Tiger deal with the aftermath of their failed mission to the past.
While Erlich goes on a trip to get his mojo back, the Pied Piper guys take to Hooli-Con to pull off a stealth operation. There, an ethically challenged Jared tries…
An unexpected increase in data traffic leads Richard to turn to Erlich for help in garnering a deal with Keenan Feldspar, Silicon Valley’s latest “it” boy–but when Keenan makes a…
On the hunt for financial support, Richard looks outside the tech bubble, and crosses paths with a contentious figure from Pied Piper’s past. Erlich reaches out to Monica and Laurie…
Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland race each other around the world, New York’s newsboys go on strike, and a political cartoonist exposes a corrupt politician.
Brian takes a job on the police force as a drug-sniffing dog, which leads him down a path of cocaine addiction. Trying to kick the habit, Brian checks into a…