Sookie is warned about the dangers she will have to deal with. Dark memories surface for Sam. Arlene must ask Holly for help while Jason faces unexpected dealings with Tara…
The Vampire Rights Amendment is close to being ratified so Nan confronts Eric at Fangtasia about the whereabouts of the Magister. Russell vows revenge against all his vampire and human…
While Sookie must rethink her relationship with Bill, he reconciles with Jessica. As Russell decides what he’s going to do next, Sophie-Anne relocates her residence. Jason offers a challenge to…
Sookie joins Alcide at a raucous engagement party for his former fiancee. Bill “procures” dinner for Russell and Lorena. Sam brokers a deal with Tommy and his parents. Andy gets…
Russell Edgington, the Vampire King of Mississippi, concocts a plan to consolidate his power. Eric remembers his past; Sam tests the strength of his family bonds; Tara finds an ally…
Peggy may be in more trouble than usual when fugitive Howard Stark suddenly returns for mysterious reasons. And Chief Dooley chases a new clue all the way to Europe that…
Eric plots his revenge against Russell; Sookie considers a new life without Bill; Tara discovers some surprising news about Sam; Jason finds a new calling; Lafayette turns to Jesus for…
Jane and company investigate the murder of a man and his wife, on her way to his fifteen year high school reunion where, clearly, the attendees haven’t changed all that…
Monk meets a visiting African widower who’s determined to find the hit-and-run-driver who killed his wife near Monk’s apartment. Monk begins to identify with the man and confuses his wife…
A guy in charge of a rival fertilizer firm to LuthorCorp’s talks an EPA investigator into commiting suicide, then arrives in Metropolis. He is intent on buying up the Kent…
Chandler and Joey let Ross move in with them once his marriage to Emily falls apart. Meanwhile, Phoebe gets involved with the local health inspector and Rachel becomes convinced that…
Kronk puts himself and Grad into a difficult position when he treats an old hockey pal who turns up after just being released from jail with a bullet in him….