Season Finale
Gerry may be facing his last day in the Big Brother house.
Danielle questions Jason’s motivations.
Chiara’s departure has hit the HouseGuests hard.
Danielle debates who to evict.
Two Hour Special
A previously evicted houseguest returns.
Josh gives up on the game and immediately begins packing once nominated.
Chiara makes a bold move with her nominations.
The houseguest’s bowl for HOH.
Jason wins a letter from home and the houseguests discuss what they miss most.
With Gerry as the new HOH, some houseguests throw their mates under the bus.
The houseguest’s debate on who to evict.
Danielle and Jason develop a tight bond and the houseguests play for the POV.
Josh and Marcellas make peace and the house has mixed reactions to Tonya’s eviction.
Some houseguests begin to lose their temper as half the house is forced to eat PB&J For A Week.
Danielle wins the POV.
Marcellus develops strong disdain for Josh bringing him to nominate Josh for eviction.
After the first eviction of the season, a previously nominated houseguest wins HoH.
The PoV is used to save one nominee, and tensions begin to escalate in the house.
The First Power of Veto (POV) is played and the HOH & Nominees Get To Pick Who They Want To Play
HoH Lisa is unsure of who to nominate for eviction.
Meeting each other for the first time in the front yard of the BIG BROTHER House, the 12 new HouseGuests size each other up. Host Julie Chen announces that the…
Despite being conscious of the omnipresent cameras, some of the HouseGuests sometimes forget that they’re being filmed 24/7.