Linda makes a power play, Piper digs for information about Alex, and the women get their first taste of a decades-old feud between cellblocks.
Linda begins to see the prison in a new light, while Judy grows desperate to escape. With darkness falling, the inmates compile a list of demands.
Red and Blanca dig for dirt on Piscatella. Suzanne conducts a sĂ©ance. The guards show off their talents for ”Litchfield Idol” judges Leanne and Angie.
When the inmates’ antics make the morning news, Flaca and Maritza soak up the spotlight. Brandy and her crew auction off Judy to the highest bidder.
Boo defends Doggett, Janae consoles Soso, and Lorna comes on to Nicky. While Alex lays low in the yard, Piper decides to take a stand.
Black Cindy concocts a scheme to distract Suzanne when she spirals out of control. Taystee and Piper search for ways to honor Poussey’s memory.
While Taystee sits down with a negotiator, Red and Blanca put their own plan into action. Gloria counsels Daya and asks Caputo for a favor.
Red senses trouble, but the others are convinced she’s just paranoid. Taystee and Black Cindy enlist an unlikely ally, and two old friends clash.
Taystee tries to keep the negotiations on track. Angie comes up with an idea for fixing Leanne’s finger. Piscatella’s past is revealed.
Maria convenes a special assembly in the chapel as the inmates plot their next move. Frieda makes use of the survival skills she learned as a kid.
As the standoff at the prison spirals into a full-blown riot, enterprising inmates take advantage of the confusion. Taystee confronts Caputo.
As chaos descends on Litchfield three days into the riot, the inmates wonder what the future holds and seek solace in loved ones.
Piper’s plan to edge out the competition could backfire badly. Cindy finds a way to make Taystee’s job pay off. Luschek gets some interesting mail.
Corporate bureaucracy and simmering anger work against Caputo’s efforts to keep a sensitive situation under control.
Alliances shift among the prison ”families” as Piscatella and his guards crack down. Poussey, Judy and Alex prefer to look ahead to the future.
Caputo’s leadership is challenged and the inmates are in for a long night of lockdown after workers make an unsettling discovery.
The movie night selection becomes controversial. Aleida makes an adjustment. Piper worries the prison punishments are getting medieval.
A new work detail doesn’t go over well with the inmates. Judy seeks help from Poussey. Maria finds a place she can conduct business.
Paranoia strikes deep for Lolly and Judy, aggravating an already tense situation. Red sticks to a Russian tradition for an important occasion.