Judd is shocked at the latest victim of an emergency call, Grace and Carlos must save a woman literally trapped in a domestic abuse situation and the 126 arrive at…
The 126 crew responds to a military tank on the loose in downtown Austin and a human pile-up at the roller derby. Meanwhile, new paramedic captain, Tommy Vega, joins the…
Dave meets with labels about a record deal, and ends up in the studio with Justin Bieber and Benny Blanco. After getting invited to his first Hollywood party, Dave rubs…
The crew race to a rattlesnake infestation, and attempt to rescue a man with dementia from a dangerous scene he created; Michelle learns the truth behind her sister’s disappearance; A…
After NCIS Agent Bishop is sent to Gitmo to gather evidence for a Navy chaplain murder case, she questions her previous work at the NSA. Also, Bishop’s brothers, John and…
Selina celebrates Thanksgiving in her own special way. Meanwhile, Ben and Kent manage a Thanksgiving Day crisis, deploying Tom James and VP Doyle to make statements in Selina’s absence. Ben…
Selina sends a tweet and Mike must deal with the consequences. Amy feels usurped by Bob, and begins to be troubled by his behavior. At a museum gala, Gary finds…
Post-election night: Selina discovers a possible road to victory. Meanwhile, Amy must figure out if she is back or not; Catherine kicks off a behind-the-scenes documentary project; Mike announces that…
When a woman is found dead on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – with her body twisted into the shape of a pentagram – the investigation leads Lucifer and team…
When a movie star’s son is killed after being chased by the paparazzi, Chloe takes a deep look into the case with a little help from Lucifer. Meanwhile, Maze and…
Karn buries secrets. Failing to impress a record producer, Manson takes his disappointment out on his family. Shafe catches a tough break. Hodiak loses an old friend.
Beth desperately fights for her life after her deranged stalker drags her to a remote cabin in Ojai, leaving Jack and Janice to frantically search for clues to their location….
Masters begins a new job at Memorial Hospital under Betty’s extortion terms only to discover that his boss insists he leave Virginia behind in favor of a handpicked secretary. Meanwhile,…
Masters deals with the ramifications of his disastrous presentation and being fired from the hospital. Meanwhile, Libby urges Masters to get another job; and Virginia fights off advances and innuendos…
With Johnson no longer on his team, Masters accepts Libby’s offer to help compile the study work for a hospital-wide presentation. But when Masters sees another doctor’s presentation put his…
Riley and Kyle are mid confrontation and find themselves interrupted by local cop, Nathan. His presence is not a welcome one, but the purpose of his visit is for a…
Dalia tries to help Mr. Wolfe recover from his breakup with chef Alan; George and Dallas are caught in the crossfire when Noah becomes convinced that Carmen is the love…
Tessa begins dispensing romantic advice—whether people ask for it or not—though her attempt to help Mr. Wolfe doesn’t work out so well. Meanwhile, George helps Dallas coach a T-ball team;…
When Tessa convinces Delia and her friends to think up feminist-inspired Halloween costumes, she attracts the attention of the Chatswin witch; Noah and George dress as each other; George misunderstands…
Tessa returns to Chatswin after spending summer with her grandmother; George finds Tessa’s renewed interest in her mother threatening; Tessa signs up for the Fall Follies; Noah and Dallas compete…
When Tessa realizes that she’s failing gym class, she decides to run for student body president in hopes of changing Chatswin High’s obsession with sports. During the election, Lisa steps…
When George wins an all expenses paid trip to Atlantic City, he enlists Noah, Fred, Tom and Alex, and it turns into a getaway with the guys. During their trip…
When Tessa is asked to show new guy Josh Sherman around school, she becomes convinced that he’s gay, when in fact he’s an undercover narcotics officer. Lisa becomes deeply infatuated…
Depressed that she has to spend Thanksgiving in the suburbs, Tessa convinces Dallas to take her to the city for a girls’ day out. During their fun day, they run…
Jenna gets her cast off, but her shirt comes with it. An unwanted photo op gives everyone a chance to voice their opinion – on the most intimate of subjects….
In the aftermath of the plane crash, the residents of Wisteria Lane think about what their lives might have been like had they made different choices. Susan contemplates a life…
When the remains of a competitive gamer are discovered in a grease truck, Brennan and Booth are called to investigate the case. The victim, Steve Rifton, is the only active…
The White House is trying to cope with the revelation of the identity of the leaker and Babish’s questioning of Toby convinces him that he must get his lawyer. Lou…
Margaret is interrogated at a hearing held by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; Santos deflects religious questions onto Vinick; Someone gives C.J. intelligence information; a Palestinian leader is assassinated…
Santos and Vinick have to deal with press fallout when it looks like the Bartlet White House is not going to continue the investigation into the press leaks.
As everyone but Josh causes Santos to question his choice of Leo as his running mate, Bartlet’s investigation into the dangerous press leak continues. Also C.J. gets interviewed by Babish…
At the Democratic National Convention, Russell, Santos and Baker jockey for the 2162 votes that will give one of them the nomination for President, and the opportunity to lose to…
A new candidate for president, Senator Rafferty, has garnered much media attention with a ground-breaking speech about health care. But her words contain interesting echoes of President Bartlet’s original health…
It’s five days before the New Hampshire primary, and Josh is desperately trying to find a ”silver bullet” that will get his candidate into the local debate between the two…
The presidential candidates journey to Iowa, where democrats Russell and Santos, and republican Vinick, are all told by their handlers that when they appear before before the corn growers association…
Santos starts up his presidential campaign in New Hampshire, where he immediately disagrees with Josh on campaign philosophy: ”No opposition research, no dirt on our opponents.” Josh has an uncomfortable…
Margaret and Charlie prove to be invaluable allies as C.J. has a rough first day in her new position, made even more difficult by a Russian bearing radioactive gifts and…