Christian tends to family matters that will forever influence his aesthetic. Coco must make a deal with Spatz as Elsa’s addiction intensifies.
The POWs are marched across Germany—and Rosie makes a gruesome discovery—as the war comes to its conclusion.
Lt. Rosenthal joins the 100th just as one of its crews reaches a milestone. The U-boat pens at Bremen become a target for the second time.
The 100th bombs German U-boat pens in Norway. With the help of Lt. Crosby’s navigating, a damaged B-17 struggles to get back to Britain.
Gaius’ illness causes a political crisis and reveals the weakness of Livia’s position without him, a problem she must solve.
Livia’s marriage to Gaius is compromised when she learns that she can’t bear him any children.
As Livia tells her sons about their role in her Mission, the truth behind her part in Marcellus’ death threatens to come out.
Livia has no choice but to eliminate Marcellus, who plans to kill her sons and exile her when he assumes Gaius’ position.
Eleven years on, Livia is married to the powerful Gaius, and is pregnant again. Yet, she does not feel entirely secure.