Jim returns from jury duty, only to have to deal with Dwight’s pesky questions about the details of the case. Elsewhere, Angela and her senator beau welcome their baby.
Chuck must use his relationship with Awesome to protect a visiting dictator, Premier Goya, who is the target of an assassination. While Awesome is excited about the prospect of being…
Claudia manages to free Chase from his captors, but she pays a high price for her efforts. Wayne turns to Julia, while Palmer calls on Sherry for help against Milliken….
Palmer clears Anne’s name with the press, but he finds that he is facing a new problem when his biggest campaign contributer reveals a startling secret about Wayne. Kim and…
Scully and Reyes join forces to try and find Doggett when he goes missing. Doggett has his own problems, having woken up in jail in Mexico suffering from amnesia. With…