Out of time and options, the team reconciles that their actions have made everything much, much worse and plan one final mission to put an end to Dr. Kronish and…
Sylar continues his unusual partnership and begins to have an unexpected identity crisis. Hiro and Ando take measures toward bringing down Building 26. Meanwhile, Matt’s new found fatherhood changes his…
Allison is visited once again by the ghost of Agent Cooper, who tries to help her figure out who the real murderer is in a confusing case. Allison begins to…
Drake and Josh enter a ”Pump My Room” contest to try and redecorate the living room as an anniversary gift for their parents. When they come back to the house…
When Arthur tries to sell Spence his adjoining burial plot, he somehow winds up selling it to Spence’s mother, Veronica. Doug is assigned a new delivery route and is freaked…
Carrie meets a publicity agent for celebrities who shows her the perks of the rich and famous in LA. Miranda meets an old friend from New York who’s lost his…