Bette meets the new resident artist, Jodi, but a controversial arts project in her class upsets a potential donor for the college. Papi challenges Alice and the girls to a…
Because Marin has been away from New York for awhile now, people there are beginning to forget her and are starting rumors she could be dead. When the Elmo town…
A sleeping weapons system is accidentally awakened by Fargo and Spencer. Henry tries to avert the pending catastrophe with the help of a retired, nonsensical scientist.
Walter Gilman, a college student rents a loft in a building in the New England town of Arkham. While studying interdimensional string theory at college he is haunted by nightmares…
An Air Force pilot attempts to reassemble SG-1 after they have gone their separate ways. An old ”friend” arrives on Earth asking for Daniel’s help in finding an ancient treasure…
By now you all know how close the end could be. A massive alien force known as the Gua are quietly preparing to invade the Earth and snuff out humanity….
After an FBI raid on a doomsday cult called the ”Temple of the Seven Stars”, Mulder meets Melissa, a cultist who claims to have known him in a previous life…
MacGyver tries to help an environmentally active friend find out what happened to a company whistle-blower about to expose the illegal practices of a large logging firm.