Chima’s actions lead her to an untimely eviction. After a new HoH competition to reset the game, a few houseguests have a difficult time accepting the new power shift.
Chima, Lydia and Natalie mourn Jessie’s eviction, while Michele puts up her two nominees. Also, the houseguests compete in this week’s have/have not competition.
The power of veto competition is a gamble and the alliances campaign in their best interest. Chima upsets Russell and Michele proves to be the swing vote.
Russell and Chima continue to fight and one of the houseguests has to make a difficult decision. The PoV competition is more important than ever as the girls side with…
Russell tries his best to make nice with Chima after she wins HoH. In a luxury challenge the houseguests are split into two teams and given the chance to win…
Russell and Chima have a throwdown and another houseguest is eliminated. Also, the winner of the coup d’etat is revealed and the houseguests compete for HoH based on America’s advice.
The power of veto competition is a gamble and the alliances campaign in their best interest. Chima upsets Russell and Michele proves to be the swing vote.
Showmances begin to blossom and another houseguest goes home in a heated eviction. Also, the houseguests face off in their first endurance HoH competition.
As the HoH, Ronnie strategically decides which houseguests must fight for the power of veto. The houseguests compete for the chance to watch a screeing of The Ugly Truth.
Lydia causes a ruckus, while Russell does all he can to make sure Braden goes home. Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house? Also, the houseguests compete to…
The mood in the house quickly turns sour as the houseguests compete for the first power of veto. Lydia tries to ally herself with the athletes and Ronnie walks a…
Jessie from Season 10, the current HoH returns and the other houseguests do all they can to avoid a nomination. The stakes are raised when cliques are punished for losing…
12 strangers will move into the Big Brother house and learn that they will be ’kickin it old school’ this summer, high school to be exact. The House Guests will…