As the gang gets swept up in Cold War paranoia, a new mystery brewing in Riverdale leads Jughead to suspect it may have ties to a string of suspicious murders…
After coming together to stop Bailey’s comet, the gang finds themselves transported back to a simpler time — Riverdale 1955. Archie attempts to impress the new girl Veronica. Toni, Tabitha…
While Doctor Andrews treats a foster kid for injuries sustained at his group home, Shaun and team look to Lea’s expertise with cars and auto repair to help a patient…
As Kai begins his Wu Assassin training, more mundane concerns find him turning to Lu Xin for a favor. Jenny prepares for her exacting parents to visit.
China White, Cupid and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge. Oliver tries to bring in the newly formed girl gang but the…
When Lucifer’s mother, Charlotte, turns up at the scene of a grizzly murder pleading innocence, Lucifer is hesitant to believe her tale. Not wanting to leave her on her own,…