A summer of fun begins as the Flounders take control of Tower 2. But Brody’s bad attitude inspires a risky plan — and a radical transformation.
After Ben wets the bed at a sleepover with fellow classmates, Mickey, Alba and Jimmy go to extreme lengths in order to save his reputation. Meanwhile, when Sabrina loses her…
Shelby and Cyd encourage a homesick Daisy to incorporate a festive 16th-century tradition into their annual Christmas party.
Cyd and Shelby watch roller derby against Astrid’s wishes; they find out Shelby’s mon has been lying.
The girls decide to take Daisy on an official ”Epic Girl’s Day” at the mall since she might be here longer than expected.
A princess named Daisy has come through the time rift from the 16th century and finds herself at Cyd and Shelby’s school.