A Russian tourist is found stabbed to death and the CSIs come face to face with the frightening realities of human trafficking. Solving this case becomes personal when it directly…
When an explosion at a military cemetery mausoleum reveals a crypt full of a mixture of body parts, the NCIS team must inform the families of the victims, hoping to…
When a lethal neutronic storm approaches faster than Enterprise can escape, the crew take shelter in the maintenance shafts inside the warp nacelles. They also provide refuge to a group…
Niles takes up a sword to fence for Maris’ honor after a caller to Frasier’s show gives Frasier the idea that Maris is having an affair with her fencing instructor.
Bester returns to Babylon 5 to shut down an underground organization that smuggles rogue telepaths out of the PSI Corps reach. Meanwhile Sheridan has some disagreements with Earthforce over the…
Carter trains one of Benton’s new students, Deb Chen. athaway has her hands full with an emotionally challenged patient who’s obsessed with colors. A sociologist provokes people to measure their…
Stardate: 47025.4 – Data abducts Picard, Troi and Geordi and holds them prisoners of the Borg, while he derives pleasure from being evil. Dr. Crusher is left in command of…
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 5 Episode 24
Season 5
IMDb: 8.3
Air Date: 1992-05-18
Stardate: 45092.4 – While the Enterprise helps a Romulan science vessel, an accident occurs which forces Geordi LaForge and Ro Laren slightly out of ’phase’, causing them to become undetectable…