Greene tries to help Mobalage when he’s about to be deported. Kerry tries to save a woman she believes is her birth mother. Hathaway decides to have Doug’s child. Benton…
During a paramedic ride-along, Carter is forced to drive the ambulance while fleeing a riot scene and inadvertently runs over a teenage boy. Later, a paramedic is shot by an…
Greene assists paramedics in treating injured children at a school bus accident. En route, Doug and Jeanie survive their own accident. Kerry stops Doug from treating Jeanie…or any other patient….
Doug faces possible criminal charges after Ricky Abbott dies when Ross bypasses system lockouts to enable Joi to give Ricky a lethal dosage of dilaudin. Doug is delegated to desk…
Ricky Abbott returns to the ER. Doug forges papers to allow Joi to treat Ricky at home. Corday decides to back out of the Romano sexual harassment investigation after he…