Guava Island
Set on a vibrant island, this film follows the story of Deni, a charismatic musician played by Donald Glover, who dreams of uniting the community through a music festival. Alongside him is Kofi, portrayed by Rihanna, who supports his vision amidst the island’s socio-economic challenges. Directed by Hiro Murai, the movie explores themes of freedom and creativity against the backdrop of a tropical paradise. While it hasn’t received major awards, its unique blend of music and storytelling has garnered attention. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Music, Thriller
Director: Hiro Murai
Actors: Alan Jael Velázquez Abreu, Ayensi Amilgar Jardines Delgado, Barbara Janet Martinez, Betiza Bismark, Betiza Bistmark Calderón, Donald Glover, Letitia Wright, Michael Ricardo Crespo Cardenas, Nonso Anozie, Renny Arozarena, Rihanna
Country: United States of America
Company: New Regency Productions, Six Point Harness