In this 2010 film directed by Noah Baumbach, the story follows Roger Greenberg, portrayed by Ben Stiller, a man in his forties who is at a crossroads in life. After a stint in a mental hospital, he returns to Los Angeles to house-sit for his brother and attempts to reconnect with old friends while forming an unexpected bond with his brother’s assistant, played by Greta Gerwig. The film delves into themes of self-discovery and the complexities of human relationships. While it didn’t receive major awards, it was noted for its introspective narrative and strong performances. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Noah Baumbach
Actors: Ben Stiller, Brie Larson, Chris Messina, Greta Gerwig, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Juno Temple, Mark Duplass, Merritt Wever, Rhys Ifans, Susan Traylor
Country: United States of America
Company: Scott Rudin Productions, Twins Financing
Worldwide Gross: $6,344,112