Goodnight Mister Tom
Set against the backdrop of World War II, this poignant drama follows the story of a young evacuee named Willie, who is sent from London to the English countryside for safety. He is placed in the care of Tom Oakley, a reclusive and gruff widower, played by the esteemed John Thaw. As the unlikely pair form a bond, both their lives are transformed in unexpected ways. Directed by Jack Gold, the film beautifully captures themes of friendship, healing, and resilience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Family, History, War
Director: Jack Gold
Actors: Annabelle Apsion, Geoffrey Beevers, Harry Capehorn, Ivan Berry, John Thaw, Mossie Smith, Nick Robinson, Peter England, Thomas Orange, William Armstrong
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Carlton Television, WGBH