In this charming indie comedy, two best friends, Jenn and Matt, decide to fulfill a long-standing promise to have a child together, despite Jenn being straight and Matt being gay. As they navigate the complexities of modern parenthood and their own personal lives, the film explores themes of friendship, family, and the unconventional paths life can take. Directed by Jonathan Lisecki, the movie features engaging performances from Jenn Harris and Matthew Wilkas. While it didn’t receive major awards, it was well-received for its witty dialogue and heartfelt moments. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jonathan Lisecki
Actors: Adam Driver, Alycia Delmore, Anna Margaret Hollyman, Charlie Barnett, Jack Ferver, Jenn Harris, Jonathan Lisecki, Louis Cancelmi, Matthew Wilkas, Mike Doyle
Country: United States of America
Company: Hubbhobb
Worldwide Gross: $14,062