Five Corners
Set in the Bronx during the 1960s, this film weaves a tense narrative around a group of young adults whose lives intersect in unexpected ways. The story follows Heinz, recently released from prison, as he returns to the neighborhood with unsettling intentions, particularly towards Linda, whom he once attacked. The film stars Jodie Foster, Tim Robbins, and John Turturro, whose performances bring depth to this gritty urban drama. Directed by Tony Bill, the movie captures the era’s social tensions and personal struggles with a unique blend of suspense and dark humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Tony Bill
Actors: Cathryn de Prume, Elizabeth Berridge, Jery Hewitt, Jodie Foster, John Turturro, Michael R. Howard, Pierre Epstein, Rodney Harvey, Tim Robbins, Todd Graff
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: HandMade Films
Worldwide Gross: $969,205