Finding Steve McQueen
Set in 1972, this crime-comedy film follows a gang of thieves from Youngstown, Ohio, as they attempt to steal $30 million from President Richard Nixon’s secret fund. The story is inspired by true events and centers on the character Harry Barber, played by Travis Fimmel, who is deeply involved in the heist. The film features a strong cast, including Rachael Taylor, William Fichtner, and Forest Whitaker. Directed by Mark Steven Johnson, the movie combines elements of romance and humor with the tension of a high-stakes robbery. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mark Steven Johnson
Actors: Forest Whitaker, Jake Weary, John Finn, Lily Rabe, Louis Lombardi, Rachael Taylor, Rhys Coiro, Tess Malis Kincaid, Travis Fimmel, William Fichtner
Country: United States of America
Company: AMBI Group, BondIt Media Capital, Elipsis Capital
Worldwide Gross: $21,905