Fast Girls
In this spirited sports drama, the story follows a group of young female athletes as they strive to compete in a major international track and field championship. The film explores themes of teamwork, rivalry, and personal growth, as the protagonists navigate the challenges of balancing their personal lives with the demands of competitive sports. Notable performances include those by Lenora Crichlow and Lily James, who bring depth to their roles as determined sprinters. Directed by Regan Hall, the film captures the intensity and passion of the athletic world. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Regan Hall
Actors: Bradley James, Jake Pennington, Lashana Lynch, Lenora Crichlow, Lily James, Lorraine Burroughs, Noel Clarke, Phil Davis, Rupert Graves, Tiana Benjamin
Country: United Kingdom
Company: British Film Institute (BFI), Ealing Metro International, StudioCanal
Worldwide Gross: $1,207,241