Escanaba in da Moonlight
Set in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, this comedy follows the eccentric Soady family as they embark on their annual deer hunting trip. The story centers around Reuben Soady, played by Jeff Daniels, who is determined to break his streak of bad luck and finally bag a buck. The film humorously explores themes of family, tradition, and the supernatural, with a quirky cast of characters adding to the charm. Directed by Jeff Daniels, the movie captures the unique culture of the region with authenticity and humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jeff Daniels
Actors: Alex Mulvaney, Guy Sanville, Harve Presnell, James Porterfield, Jeff Daniels, Joey Albright, Kimberly Guerrero, Kyle Broeders, Randall Godwin, Wayne David Parker
Country: United States of America
Company: Purple Rose Productions
Worldwide Gross: $2,276,602