R. L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour Season 1 Episode 19
Teddy wants to prove that ghosts do not exist, so he, his sister Haley, and his friend Sean go to a supposidly haunted asyulm with a video camera to film everything that happens. It is revealed that everyone inside died in a fire and that anyone who was caught after ”Lights Out” would be operated on by the asylum’s evil doctor, Dr. Sturgess. The ghosts, patients of the asylum, try to protect them by locking them in a room minutes before Lights Out but they misunderstand the attempt, believing that the ghosts were trying to hurt them. They escape and Teddy gets caught by the ghost of Dr. Sturgess. He is operated on by the ghost. Hayley and Sean find Teddy rocking back and forth in a room. He is so traumatized by his ghostly operation that all he can do is mutter ”Lights Out” over and over. Though all this has been captured on camera and posted on the internet, kids who watched the video believe it is fake (even though it wasn’t).