Big Brother Season 3 Episode 1
Meeting each other for the first time in the front yard of the BIG BROTHER House, the 12 new HouseGuests size each other up. Host Julie Chen announces that the first group to enter the House consists of Eric, Lisa, Gerry and Amy. While the others wait outside, these four are given a minute to tear through the House and choose one of the three bedrooms. Bypassing a closed door that leads to the first bedroom, they select the Tiki Room over the army cots in the adjacent room. Amy, the real estate appraiser from Memphis, Tennessee, sees the choice between soft mattresses and hard cots and makes a quick decision: ””I’m used to sleeping on satin sheets,”” she says. The next group is Roddy, Marcellas, Chiara and Lori. Also given one minute to pick their bedroom, they pass the closed door several times before Roddy, the writer from Morristown, New Jersey, realizes it is the Map Room, outfitted with 2 single beds and one double bed, which Lori and Chiara will share. Last in are Jason, Tonya, Dan