Don’t Talk to Irene
In this heartwarming Canadian comedy, a socially awkward teenager dreams of becoming a cheerleader despite facing ridicule and obstacles. The protagonist, Irene, finds herself in an unexpected situation where she must lead a group of senior citizens in a dance competition. The film stars Michelle McLeod in her breakout role, alongside Geena Davis, who plays a pivotal character. Directed by Pat Mills, the movie explores themes of self-acceptance and resilience with humor and charm. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Pat Mills
Actors: Alex Steele, Anastasia Phillips, Andy Reid, Aviva Mongillo, Bruce Gray, Deborah Grover, Geena Davis, Joan Gregson, Michelle McLeod, Scott Thompson
Country: Canada
Company: Alyson Richards Productions, Lithium Studios