Dani is forced to get involved in Bette’s personal life, Shane grapples with a big decision, Alice is profiled by a newspaper, Sophie worries that Dani is pulling back, Finley…
Ten years after we last left them, we find Bette running for mayor of Los Angeles; Shane as she returns to the city after a setback; and Alice learning to…
The origin story of Looking Glass is at last revealed, as is the truth behind the greatest hoax in American history. Far away, The Smartest Man In The World plots…
Juliana embarks on a mission to stop the Nazis – a mission that reunites her with old friends. Thelma and Nicole grow closer, despite the risks. Smith learns more about…
Lori envisions a sunny future in LA after attending the AFAA Erotica Awards with Harvey and Candy, who’s looking to connect with west-coast producers willing to turn her fairy tale…
Sandra goes the extra mile for a client when she goes up against the FBI and ends up in one of the most unexpected and compromising situations of her young…
As the future of the country hangs in the balance, Olivia and Fitz are at odds with Rowan, and Jake employs surprising tactics to manipulate the Mystery Woman.
Luis learns about the fate of his son, as Coy devises a plan to get himself off the farm. Jeanette tries to plead her case about the working conditions in…
Chuck, Connerty and Sacker must rely on an anxious insider who’s willing to wear a wire. Meanwhile, Axe’s numbers take a big hit, leaving him to scout ideas for a…
A major revelation about the Silver Bells murders turns everyone’s world in the Hawthorne family upside-down: Christina loses trust in Garrett, Alison’s mayoral campaign sinks, Cam’s sobriety is tested, and…
When Paige’s long-ago indiscretion threatens to resurface and destroy the family, Philip and Elizabeth find themselves scrambling – and Paige finds herself reevaluating who her parents really are.
After a stroke leaves her husband disabled and fundamentally changed, a spirited Irish wife struggles to keep her family members together. All the while they are under the microscope of…