Four separate stories following Jack through the four seasons: Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. In Summer, Jack is traveling through the desert and is set upon by strange creatures formed…
After Johnny bugs a woman to the point that she threatens to knock him into next week (and follows through on her threats), a band of sci-fi geeks find a…
Johnny finds himself stuck looking after a baby boy, and decides to teach the kid to be more like him in order to make the situation bearable. Much to his…
A jaywalking incident lands Johnny in traffic school… Musical Comedy Traffic School, no less! Unfortunately, Johnny can’t sing a note, so he seeks the help of a kindly old lady…
Johnny Bravo is offered a role in the upcoming movie ””Lunch Lady Surprise”” and will get to star with Don Knotts, Jessica Biel, a Hobbit, and Alec Baldwin. When Johnny…
When the Mayor gets a craving for toast he discovers his toaster is broken so he gives it to the Professor to fix, but he accidentally discovers the Professor’s secret…
The ship sails into the Great Unknown and encounters sirens who hypnotize everyone except the Scotsman who is conveniently immune thanks to his musical taste for Scottish music and his…
The gods Odin, Ra, and Rama battle a great dark evil. One shard escapes and falls to primitive Earth, creating a vast black forest. Down through the millennia it spreads…
While traveling through the rain, Jack takes refuge in an inn and meets Da Samurai, a hip-hop singer/fighter. His performance is interrupted by a new version of Aku’s bounty hunters….
Aku sends forth the robotic ninja Shinobi, Warrior of the Dark, to kill the Samurai. Jack responds to the cries of a young boy from a village beset by robot…
Aku resolves to do something about The Samurai once and for all and lures him into a cemetery. Then the wizard unleashes hordes of the undead and one of the…
Jack bumps into an old wizard who transforms him into a chicken – a rather goofy-looking master of the martial arts that nobody can understand. He gets captured and taken…
Jack’s enjoying a nice, quiet day by the riverside… until a band of transforming biker-bots nearly runs him down, wrecking his precious sandals in the process! The bots proceed to…
After his clothes and sword were stolen by a white hare / British girl,Jack must figure a way to it back,while chased by some angry people who thinks he’s naked
On an alien planet, Aku contacts four Emikandi hunters and offers them the chance to hunt Jack. They capture Jack with incredible ease but Jack just as easily frees himself…
Jack discovers a village of panicky medieval serfs, overwhelmed and unable to earn their livelihood because of a horrible stench coming from a nearby mountain. After getting some more information…
Called on by a mysterious voice, Jack overcomes many obstacles and booby traps to find who is calling him. Deep in the earth he finds it is a creature made…
Aku places a bounty on Jack’s head, but is disappointed by the failure of some inept hunters, so he creates an evil spirit-clone version of Jack to finish our hero…
Mojo Jojo turns the world into dogs again. The Powerpuff Girls come to the rescue wondering why Mojo does the same plan again. He tells them that he’s found a…
To Helga And Back Our hero has sent away for a perfect woman but accidentally picks a Swedish woman named Helga, Johnny doesn’t want her around so he takes her…
Johnny with a little help from Pops and Carl gets a job a fashion model so he can meet all the female fashion models but unfortunately gets exposed to poison…
Johnny doesn’t listen to his Mama’s advice and he rips up a chain letter. This results in a long run of bad luck and a timely appearance by Dionne Warwick.
Bikini Space Planet Johnny is picked up by two aliens that he calls ””shiny mamas”” and taken back to their planet. Before they can start dating Johnny they need to…
Johnny is Fatty Nuggets’ 1,000,000th customer and wins a cruise. Johnny is not at all interested until he hears that women will be on the cruise. Unfortunately Johnny gets on…
A group of female bikers break into Cow and Chicken’s house, and start gnawing on their carpet. One of the bikers has a crush on Cow, and invites her to…
Cow and Chicken’s class go on a field trip to the Cometorium, where Chicken is bored stiff. After getting hit by one of Dad’s golf balls (he was golfing right…
Cow, Chicken, Flem, and Earl try out for the school’s sumo wrestling team. For being big and fat, Cow is the new team member. Soon, everyone fears her, and she…
Chicken is tired of always having to do chores, so he chews Mom and Dad out, and runs away to be a bachelor with Cousin Boneless Chicken. One at Boneless’s…
Cow’s tongue rips out of her mouth and runs away. He then causes havock all over town, by hi-jacking someone of their motor-scooter, rolling around in someone’s gravy, and licking…
The Red Guy hosts a new late night talk show called ””Dead Ghost, Coast to Coast””, and reminds the viewers that tonight’s Halloween. Chicken calls in, and is instructed to…
The Red Guy is now Captain Butz Pirate, and wants to give Cow and Chicken pirate lessons. He takes them aboard his pirate ship in the middle of the duck…
Mom and Dad decide to let Cow have a pet. She choose an anaconda, after it eats Chicken, and she hears his voice from inside the snake, and assumes the…
Chicken, Flem, and Earl play a game of kickball. Cow’s udders kick the ball into the bushes, where Chicken, Flem and Earl discover a laughing puddle. After Flem and Chicken…