The CSI team investigates when a plastinated nervous system is found hanging above a local car dealership. Also, Chavez and Max search for a missing source in their ongoing investigation…
Catherine’s frustration intensifies when a lead suspect in Grace’s disappearance is found murdered. The team exhausts all their skills to figure out who killed the suspect, and if his death…
In Tallahassee, Elena has unresolved issues with Jessica, and she decides to take a Senator’s inspiring advice, to find a solution. Bobby struggles with expressing himself and finds comfort in…
Mel and Harry try to crack the Book of Elders. Macy struggles with her demon side. Maggie competes with Jordan for a promotion. Macy meets a witch named Abigael.
Jane is feeling great about all the book publishing prospects she has until an unexpected problem pops up. Petra and Rafael’s working relationship has been going so well that Petra…
When Rogelio tells Jane that the network wants her to write the script for their telenovela, at first she is excited, but begins to struggle balancing her time between that…
With everything that has been going on, Jane reluctantly agrees to let Rogelio throw her a big 30th birthday party. Jane’s mentor gives her some important advice that may help…
With Jane’s Catholic guilt starting to settle in, she turns to Alba for advice and gets an unexpected answer. Luisa decides to go see Rose with Rafael by her side,…
Jane believes she and Rafael are in a good place until she realizes he is keeping a secret from her. Alba’s big day has finally arrived, and Jane, Xo and…
After Jane, Rafael, Petra and JR all go out together, Jane is bothered to learn that JR doesn’t like her. Jane and Rafael brush off a big relationship moment, but…
When Jane, Rogelio and Alba learn what is going on with Xo, they all try to comfort her, but Xo insists they let her live her life. Rogelio finally gets…
Jane is ready to move on from the Marbella and pursue writing full time, but an unexpected development forces her to consider returning to her teaching roots. When Jane applies…
When Jane learns that Rafael introduced Mateo to his new girlfriend, Katherine, without her consent she gets angry since she thinks Katherine has a negative influence on both Rafael and…
Jane’s burgeoning relationship with Adam helps bring out her fun side and reminds her that she isn’t just a mom. However, when Adam gets a job opportunity, he asks for…
Jane and Michael are both feeling the pressure – Jane with turning in the perfect novel and Michael with passing his upcoming test. Jane and Rafael become concerned over Mateo’s…
When Alba makes Jane feel guilty for not attending church, Jane decides she wants to bring Mateo against Rafael’s wishes. Rafael unlocks a long lost memory of him and his…
Jane discovers that Michael was shot and finds herself having to make difficult choices. With Rafael focused on keeping Mateo safe, Anezka, who is pretending to be Petra, ”helps” the…
Jane takes on additional shifts at the Marbella to make some extra money, but it starts cutting into her time with Mateo. Jane and Rafael agree that they need a…