Emboldened by her victories, the Vampire Messiah steps into the spotlight. Richter flexes new abilities. Olrox makes a surprising proposal.
While Richter learns about the Belmont legacy, Annette searches for the wisdom of her own ancestors. Edouard attempts to get through to a comrade.
Drolta makes a persuasive pitch to Olrox, and Annette encounters an old enemy. Revelations shed new light on Maria and Richter’s family histories.
Olrox voices doubts to Mizrak about the Abbot’s alliances. Desperate to help a friend, Annette leads a risky mission over Richter’s objections.
An attack on their camp spurs vampire hunter Richter and young mage Maria to seek the help of the Abbot of Machecoul. Strangers bring news from abroad.
Lenore urges Hector to not test Carmilla’s patience. Belmont and Sypha cross paths with Zamfir, a fearsome guard with a suspicious mind.
Belmont and Sypha continue to battle beasts loyal to Dracula, but it’s getting a little old. Meanwhile, Alucard receives a guest.
Lenore continues to spend time with Hector, slowly earning his trust. Saint Germain experiences a telling nightmare about the Infinite Corridor.
Night falls on Lindenfeld and all manner of hell breaks loose. Also, Isaac meets the Magician, Hector makes a pledge, and Zumi and Takka make a move.
Belmont travels to his family’s archives, along with Sypha and a cynical Alucard. Godbrand voices a suspicion about Dracula’s motives.
With the war between humans and vampires seemingly settled, the survivors — both good and evil — look toward the future.