In this 1993 film directed by Guillermo del Toro, an antique dealer stumbles upon a mysterious mechanical device that grants eternal life but comes with a sinister cost. As the device’s dark powers are revealed, the dealer finds himself entangled in a web of danger and intrigue, with his young granddaughter by his side. The film stars Federico Luppi and Ron Perlman, delivering compelling performances that enhance the eerie atmosphere. Notably, the film won the International Critics’ Week Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Actors: Claudio Brook, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Farnesio de Bernal, Federico Luppi, Jorge Martínez de Hoyos, Juan Carlos Colombo, Margarita Isabel, Mario Iván Martínez, Ron Perlman, Tamara Shanath
Country: Mexico
Company: Bluebush Productions, CNCAIMC, Fondo de Fomento a la Calidad Cinematográfica, Grupo Del Toro
Worldwide Gross: $621,392