Corporate Animals
In this dark comedy directed by Patrick Brice, a group of employees from a struggling company embarks on a team-building retreat led by their eccentric CEO, played by Demi Moore. The retreat takes a disastrous turn when they become trapped underground, forcing the group to confront their personal and professional issues. The film features a strong ensemble cast, including Ed Helms and Jessica Williams, who deliver sharp performances that highlight the absurdity of corporate culture. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the movie offers a satirical look at workplace dynamics. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Patrick Brice
Actors: Calum Worthy, Dan Bakkedahl, Demi Moore, Ed Helms, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Jennifer Kim, Jessica Williams, Karan Soni, Martha Kelly, Nasim Pedrad
Country: United States of America
Company: Pacific Electric Picture Company, Protagonist Pictures, Snoot Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $22,588