Cold Creek Manor
In this suspenseful thriller directed by Mike Figgis, a family seeking a fresh start moves into a sprawling, abandoned mansion in the countryside. As they settle into their new home, they uncover disturbing secrets about the estate’s past, leading to a series of unsettling events. The film stars Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone, who deliver compelling performances as the couple grappling with the house’s dark history. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers an intriguing exploration of mystery and suspense. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Mike Figgis
Actors: Aidan Devine, Christopher Plummer, Dennis Quaid, Juliette Lewis, Kathleen Duborg, Kristen Stewart, Peter Outerbridge, Sharon Stone, Stephen Dorff, Wayne Robson, Ντένις Κουέιντ
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Cold Creek Manor Productions, Red Mullet, Touchstone Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $29,119,434