Code 8
In a world where a small percentage of the population possesses superhuman abilities, these individuals face discrimination and are often forced into lives of crime to survive. The film follows a young man with special powers who struggles to find work and becomes entangled in a criminal underworld. Starring Robbie Amell and Stephen Amell, the movie explores themes of inequality and societal tension. Directed by Jeff Chan, it offers a gripping narrative with a unique take on the superhero genre. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Crime, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Short
Director: Jeff Chan
Actors: Aaron Abrams, Alfred Rubin Thompson, Chad Donella, Christine Pagulayan, Jack Horan, Jeff Sinisac, Phyllis Politowicz, Robbie Amell, Stephen Amell, Sung Kang
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Collective Pictures, Colony Pictures