Chronicle of an Escape
Set against the backdrop of Argentina’s Dirty War, this gripping drama follows the harrowing true story of Claudio Tamburrini, a goalkeeper who is kidnapped by the military junta and held in a clandestine detention center. The film, directed by Israel Adrián Caetano, delves into the psychological and physical torment faced by Claudio and his fellow captives, culminating in a daring escape. The movie stars Rodrigo de la Serna, known for his compelling performances, and offers a stark portrayal of resilience and hope amidst oppression. While it did not receive major awards, it is noted for its intense storytelling and historical significance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Israel Adrián Caetano
Actors: Alfredo Castellani, César Albarracín, Daniel Cúparo, Diego Alonso, Guillermo Fernández, Lautaro Delgado Tymruk, Matías Marmorato, Nazareno Casero, Pablo Echarri, Rodrigo de la Serna
Country: Argentina
Company: 20th Century Fox Argentina, Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA), K&S Films
Worldwide Gross: $763,742