In a haunting exploration of a real-life mystery, this film delves into the unsettling series of teenage suicides in a small Welsh town. The narrative follows Sara, played by Hannah Murray, as she moves to the town with her father, a police officer tasked with investigating the tragic events. As Sara becomes entwined with the local youth, the film captures the eerie atmosphere and emotional turmoil that pervades the community. Directed by Jeppe Rønde, the movie is noted for its atmospheric cinematography and intense performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jeppe Rønde
Actors: Adrian Rawlins, Aled Llyr Thomas, Elinor Crawley, Hannah Murray, Jamie Burch, Josh O'Connor, Leona Vaughan, Nia Roberts, Patricia Potter, Steven Waddington
Country: Denmark