Based on his autobiography, the film narrates the tale of Hiroito, known as The King of Boca do Lixo, a notorious area in 1950s downtown São Paulo filled with nightclubs, strip clubs, prostitution, bars, and drugs. Hiroito, a bohemian from a privileged background, was accused at 21 of brutally stabbing his father over 40 times with a razor. Although he was not formally charged, two months following his father’s death, Hiroito acquired two firearms and relocated to Boca do Lixo, where he emerged as one of the area’s most feared criminals.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Biography, Crime, Drama
Director: Flávio Frederico
Actors: Camila Lecciolli, Claudio Jaborandy, Daniel de Oliveira, Hermila Guedes, Jefferson Brasil, Juliana Galdino, Leandra Leal, Maxwell Nascimento, Milhem Cortaz, Paulo César Peréio
Country: Brazil
Company: Kinoscopio, Kinoscópio Cinematográfica
Worldwide Gross: $62,021