Balto III: Wings of Change
In this animated adventure, the story follows a determined sled dog who faces new challenges as he competes against a bush plane to deliver mail and supplies to a remote Alaskan town. The film explores themes of perseverance and teamwork, as the protagonist and his team navigate the changing landscape of transportation. Notable for its engaging animation and heartfelt narrative, the movie features the voice talents of Maurice LaMarche and Sean Astin. Directed by Phil Weinstein, it offers a family-friendly viewing experience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family
Director: Phil Weinstein
Actors: Bill Fagerbakke, Charity James, Charles Fleischer, David Paymer, Jodi Benson, Kathy Najimy, Keith Carradine, Kevin Schon, Maurice LaMarche, Sean Astin
Country: United States of America
Company: Universal Animation Studios, Universal Cartoon Studios