Ballplayer: Pelotero
This documentary delves into the lives of two young Dominican baseball prospects, Miguel Angel Sanó and Jean Carlos Batista, as they navigate the complex and often exploitative world of Major League Baseball recruitment. Directed by Jon Paley, the film provides an unflinching look at the challenges these athletes face, including issues of age verification and the pressure to sign lucrative contracts. While the film does not boast any major awards, it offers a compelling insight into the intersection of sports, business, and personal ambition. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Biography, Documentary, Drama, Sport
Director: Jon Paley, Ross Finkel, Trevor Martin
Actors: Jean Carlos Batista, John Leguizamo, Miguel Sano
Country: Dominican Republic, United States of America
Company: Makuhari Media
Worldwide Gross: $46,109