Baby Sellers
In this gripping drama, a dedicated Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent delves into the dark world of international child trafficking. The film stars Jennifer Finnigan and Kirstie Alley, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the complex and often harrowing realities of this illegal trade. Directed by Nick Willing, the movie sheds light on the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by those involved in both sides of the law. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it offers a thought-provoking look at a pressing global issue. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nick Willing
Actors: Alessandro Juliani, Andrew Kavadas, Arjun Gupta, Cas Anvar, Doron Bell, Jennifer Finnigan, Kimberley Sustad, Kirstie Alley, Lane Edwards, Natalie Goyarzu, Nicole Muñoz, Semwal Swati, Zak Santiago
Country: United States of America
Company: Reunion Pictures