Avalanche Sharks
In this 2014 horror film directed by Scott Wheeler, a spring break vacation at a ski resort turns deadly when a series of mysterious shark attacks occur on the snowy slopes. The film follows a group of vacationers and locals as they try to survive the onslaught of these supernatural predators. Notable stars include Alexander Mendeluk and Kate Nauta, who lead the ensemble cast in this thrilling adventure. While the movie did not receive any awards, it offers a unique blend of horror and action set against a wintry backdrop. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Scott Wheeler
Actors: Alexander Mendeluk, Amy Ninh, Benjamin Easterday, Emi Addison, Emily Addison, Eric Scott Woods, James Ouimet, Kate Nauta, Kelle Cantwell, Nicole Helen, Richard Gleason
Country: Canada
Company: Odyssey Media, Pulser Productions, Rogue State