Approved for Adoption
This extraordinary animated documentary delves into the unique childhood of filmmaker Jung Henin, one of the many Korean children adopted by Western families following the Korean War. It narrates the journey of a boy caught between two worlds. Through animated scenes—ranging from amusing to lyrical—Jung’s life unfolds from the moment he meets his new blonde siblings, through his elementary school days, and into his teenage years, when his developing identity begins to cause tensions at home and reveal the underlying prejudices of his adoptive parents. The filmmaker shares his story through his own animations, interwoven with clips of super-8 family videos and archival footage. The outcome is a one-of-a-kind animated memoir: candid and unwavering, humorous, and most importantly, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
Views: 4
Genre: Animation, Biography, Documentary, Drama, Family
Director: Jung Henin, Laurent Boileau
Actors: Arthur Dubois, Christelle Cornil, David Macaluso, Jean-Luc Couchard, William Coryn
Country: Belgium, France, South Korea, Switzerland
Company: 2 Minutes Animation, Artémis Productions, Belgacom
Worldwide Gross: $89,801