Ana Maria in Novela Land
Ana Maria, portrayed by Edy Ganem, is a young woman who finds herself magically transported into the world of her favorite telenovela. As she navigates the dramatic and exaggerated plotlines of the soap opera, she must adapt to the heightened emotions and over-the-top scenarios that define the genre. The film, directed by Georgina Garcia Riedel, offers a comedic exploration of identity and self-discovery. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it provides an entertaining twist on the classic fish-out-of-water story. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Georgina Garcia Riedel
Actors: Carla Morrison, Dyana Ortelli, Edy Ganem, Elizabeth Peña, Juan Pablo Gamboa, Luis Guzmán, Michael Steger, Nestor Serrano, Sung Kang, Tamara Taylor
Country: United States of America
Company: Stargazer Films USA, Synthetic Cinema International