Alone Yet Not Alone
Set during the tumultuous period of the French and Indian War, this historical drama follows the harrowing journey of two young sisters who are captured by Native Americans and must rely on their faith and resilience to survive and reunite with their family. The film is notable for its portrayal of the strength of the human spirit and the power of faith in overcoming adversity. It features performances by Kelly Greyson and Jenn Gotzon, among others. The movie’s theme song was nominated for an Academy Award, highlighting its impact. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Director: George D. Escobar, Ray Bengston
Actors: Clay Walker, Hayley Lovitt, Ian Nelson, Jenn Gotzon Chandler, Joanie Stewart, Natalie Racoosin, Ozzie Torres, Thurman Bryan, Tony Wade
Country: United States of America
Company: AYNA, Enthuse Entertainment, Talent One
Worldwide Gross: $887,851