A Month in the Country
Set in the aftermath of World War I, this poignant drama follows two emotionally scarred veterans who find solace and healing in a small Yorkshire village. As they work on restoring a medieval mural in a local church, their friendship deepens, and they confront their past traumas. The film features standout performances by Colin Firth and Kenneth Branagh, whose chemistry brings depth to their characters’ journey. Directed by Pat O’Connor, the movie beautifully captures the themes of redemption and the power of art. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Pat O'Connor
Actors: Colin Firth, Eileen O'Brien, Jim Carter, Kenneth Branagh, Natasha Richardson, Patrick Malahide, Richard Vernon, Tim Barker, Tony Haygarth, Vicki Arundale, Νατάσα Ρίτσαρντσον
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Channel Four Films, Euston Films, PfH Ltd.