A Futile and Stupid Gesture
This biographical comedy-drama delves into the life of Doug Kenney, the co-founder of the National Lampoon magazine, capturing his rise and influence in the world of comedy during the 1970s. The film stars Will Forte as Kenney and features a strong supporting cast, including Domhnall Gleeson and Emmy Rossum. Directed by David Wain, it offers a humorous yet poignant look at Kenney’s tumultuous journey and the impact of his work on American humor. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, the film is notable for its engaging portrayal of a comedic icon. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Wain
Actors: Domhnall Gleeson, Harry Groener, John Gemberling, Jon Daly, Martin Mull, Neil Casey, Nelson Franklin, Rick Glassman, Seth Green, Will Forte
Country: United States of America
Company: Abominable Pictures, Artists First, Bluebush Productions