Danny Reilly, portrayed by Dean Paras, is a narcissistic individual who, after breaking up with Renee Weber, played by Neve Campbell, finds himself smitten with Corey Wells, portrayed by Katie Wright. However, Renee is determined to ensure that Danny never experiences love again and plans her revenge when he becomes infatuated with Corey. The situation becomes even more complicated when Danny’s chatty roommate, Tim, played by Stefan Brogren, also develops feelings for Corey. The question remains: who will ultimately win her heart?
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Director: Dean Paraskevopoulos
Actors: Adam Scott, Adriana Morera, Chris Hogan, Dean Paraskevopoulos, Evan Glenn, Leelee Groome, Louise Devar, Neve Campbell, Rebecca Gayheart, Stephanie Sotomayer
Country: United States of America
Company: Lunatic Productions